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Cataloxy Mint Hill...Companies in Mint HillConstructionCivil engineering and building machinery and equipmentConstruction painters' and decorators' toolsUkie Painting

Ukie Painting

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Kitchen Cabinet painting, Interior painting, Exterior Painting, Commercial painting

At Ukie Painting, we’ve helped a hundred homeowners in Charlotte, NC, and surrounding areas to improve their living spaces through color transformation.

Latest company reviews

ukie painting  27 Mar. 2023, 02:14

They have helped a hundred homeowners in Charlotte, NC, and surrounding areas to improve their living spaces through color transformation.
All reviews (1)        


 Contact person: ukie painting
Other means of contact:  facebook instagram youtube cataloxy
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 4614 Wilgrove, Rd, Unit R
28227, Mint Hill, North Carolina
Opening hours:
Mon — Fri:from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, no break
Sat:from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, no break
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