Over 43 years of excellence in commercial construction, located in Raleigh, NC
Utility Contractors The N/a of George Raper & Son Inc. is George Raper Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : George Raper, a service disabled veteran, started the company in 1972, after his service time in the Vietnam War, as a United States Navy Seabee. Mr. Raper continues to work in the business daily. The organization has grown from a small company to an unlimited, unclassified general contracting firm in NC and SC. We have the ability and knowledge to complete all types of construction projects. Our project experience includes: commercial, institutional, financial, retail, utilities, municipal, water treatment and waste water treatment facilities.
We believe in our employees. Their experience and skills contribute to a project’s success. Some of our skilled workers have been with us for over 28 years.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Raper Geo Son Inc. in Elizabeth City you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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