Electronics-Consultants The Owner of Walkers Posare is Cephus Walker Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Our most important concern is our children, who are very sensitive to toxic pesticide exposure at home and school as it affects their neurological, respiratory, and immune systems without us even being aware of it. The EPA, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Public Health Association have all voiced their concerns about the dangers that these toxic chemicals pose to our children. This is why CEAllen Enterprises has developed this site offering only Green 100% All Natural cedar oil products (scientifically proven to be completely safe for us, our children, our animals and our environment) for use in and around your home for your All Natural Cedar Oil Pest Control, Wood Preservative and Concrete Sealing needs.
The World is fast becoming aware of the dangers that pesticides have caused in our health, our animals and our environment and switching to All Natural Pest Control, All Natural Wood Preservation and Concrete Sealing alternatives. Now we are learning that most pesticides don't even work. Leading entomologists, Scientists and Universities agree that insects and their eggs have become completely immune to these toxic materials that have been used for more than 60 years. It's time, we open our eyes and look for "Green" All Natural Cedar Oil Pest Control, Wood Preservative and Concrete Sealing alternatives that work not only to repel these pesty insects, but to kill them.
People are now using Dr. Ben's Evictor, Dr. Ben's Personal Protection, and Natures Defender Green 100% All Natural cedar oil pest control products and enjoying a bug free yard and home and saying good bye to toxic chemicals.
Another area in which we are being sold on the idea that the use of toxic chemicals is the only answer is the treated wood industry, here people aren't even aware that there is a Green All Natural Wood Presevative and Concrete Sealing alternative.
Brown and green treated wood leach the toxic chemicals they are treated with for years and are comonly found in our yards and our communities putting us, our children, our pets and our environment in danger on a daily basis.We use the wood treated with the toxic chemicals in decks, docks, playground equipment, and a wide array of other uses without being aware of what it is doing to our most loved possesions, and then the treated wood still does not last. By using traditionally treated wood products for decks, docks, and playgound equipment, in effect we are poisioning our children, our pets, and our environment for no reason.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Walkers Posare in Moravian Falls you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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