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Cataloxy Oxford...Companies in OxfordConstructionCivil and marine engineering contractorsTransport infrastructure engineering contractorsEllington And Son-grading And Landscapin

Ellington And Son-grading And Landscapin

Lancaster PA Dutch Country Camping & Vacations at Mill Bridge Village

Highway & Street Construction

The Owner of Ellington And Son-grading And Landscapin is Charlie Ellington

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SIC (US 1987) :

Imagine a long journey west in a Conestoga Wagon, transporting corn to be ground at the mill. Your wagon approaches its destination — 1738 Herr’s Grist Mill. Mill Bridge Camp Resort is home to this registered historic landmarks.
In the early 18th century, Herr’s Mill was an important neighborhood center. Not only was it a place to stop between trips, but it was also a place to purchase supplies and exchange news for locals and visitors alike. The Mill and the Village functioned throughout the 1800’s and into the turn of the century. 1929 was the last year the Mill operated.
At Mill Bridge Village & Camp Resort, you will find a wide variety of activities, attractions and shopping nearby. Come see Mill Bridge Camp Resort, alive with the sights and sounds of Pennsylvania Dutch yesteryears.
Road making and maintenance contractors
Motorway building and maintenance contractors

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Ellington And Son-grading And Landscapin in Oxford you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1984

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 Address: 5188 Old Nc 75
27565, Oxford, North Carolina

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