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Montgomery Community College


Montgomery Community College in Troy, NC is an accredited, public two-year community college offering Gunsmithing, Pottery, Forestry, Taxidermy, and more credit and non-credit classes.

General info: Montgomery Community College is located in Troy, N. C, and offers various educational and extracurricular programs and activities. The courses offered by the school include art and sciences, business, commercial, health and public services technology. The programs in business technology include accounting, business administration, computer information technology, networking and office systems technology. Additionally, it offers online distance learning programs that offer courses, such as business and criminal law, math, American women s studies, word processing and statistics. Its extracurricular programs comprise multimedia art, machine sewing and basket weaving. The college s library provides online reference material, including literature, statistical information, research material and newspapers. The Information technology executive of Montgomery Community College is Tom Sargent Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Domenick Muoio hit the ground running last January as one of the newest members of Montgomery Community College
Libraries-Institutional The of Montgomery Community Clg. Libr. is BETH SMITH

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Montgomery Community College in Troy you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 1011 Page St
27371, Troy, North Carolina

More 1 address of the company in city Troy on the map

Montgomery Community College address

1011 Page St,
Phone: 910-898-9648, 1-855-588-2930

Montgomery Community College address

1011 Page St
Phone: 910-898-9648, 1-855-588-2930

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Category of Montgomery Community College:


nra, electrical, gunsmithing, phlebotomy, community college, online classes, blet, dental, nursing
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